How to Make Delicious Ekwang
When you love someone and you want to express your love, make them some Ekwang. That is if the person knows what Ekwang is. Making Ekwang is a process which involves grating, wrapping then wrapping some more. This could take some hours of your life. But there’s a reward. The reward is the scrumptiousness.

So what is Ekwang? It is grated cocoyams tied in cocoyam leaves and cooked with palm oil and other aromatic ingredients. It is rich in ethnic flavours: crayfish, palm oil. So finger-licking good!

The ingredients used in making Ekwang include cocoyams, cocoyam leaves, palm oil, crayfish, smoked fish and spices depending on preferences. You can also add in some freshly blended garlic and ginger paste and some chopped onions for more flavor and taste. The cocoyams used in making Ekwang are a particular specie. They are longer and slimmer than other types of cocoyams. They are either white or pink on the inside. In Cameroon, they are locally called, “macabo coco”. For a successful Ekwang dish, please get the right cocoyams then you peel. If you cannot find cocoyam leaves for wrapping, you can use any green leaves like potato leaves, greens, spinach, just make sure they have no holes so they keep your grated cocoyams secure.


8 large “macabo” cocoyams white and pink mixed

6 bunches cocoyam leaves (or spinach/collard greens)

2 pounds smoked fish/stock fish/beef do a mix or choose 1

1 1/2 cups palm oil

2 cups crayfish

1 habanero pepper – blended optional

1 medium sized onion-chopped

1 teaspoon ground “contry onions” (rondelles) optional

2 tablespoons blended garlic and ginger

1/4 teaspoon white or black pepper

3 seasoning cubes (Maggi) or 1 1/2 large crayfish seasoning cubes (Maggi crevette)

1 teaspoon salt



Enjoy your Ekwang!
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